Shinjo & Mogami sightseeing excursion route
Spiritual Culture Tourism Fam Trip
DetailsTour of Shinjo City Cultural Properties
Details台湾 三立電視台『愛玩客(i walker)』の旅
DetailsA young Taiwanese lady’s trip to Shinjo・Mogami in the spring of 2018.
This Taiwanese lady loves Japan and visited Shinjo・Mogami on a tour to experience rural Japan. Tohoku is her favorite part of Japan. She planned her own three-day journey by herself. It was a trip of simple pleasures with the goal of creating the chance to meet residents and learn more about a smaller town environment. “ Ichi go ichi e”, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, is her favorite expression.
DetailsShinjo & Mogami Tour - from Taiwan in the winter of 2017.
Taiwanese men and women take part in the Shinjo & Mogami Tour. We are bringing you the highlights of this 3-day 2-night stay involving hot springs, making soba noodles and traditional crafts.